Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I need to do an online survey. What type of water do you like best..? : Fiji, spring, or tap/well..?

its for a theatre class were working on speeches and i need to know if you like Fiji, Spring, Tap/Well..

? !

I need to do an online survey. What type of water do you like best..? : Fiji, spring, or tap/well..?
Reply:Our tap has a filter. I drink that.

I do not subscribe to the notion that we NEED plastic bottles of water to drink. Water quality is monitored in the US and in Europe, so we are not in danger drinking the tap stuff.

And the PLASTIC is clogging up the landfills. And gets in to the gutters and byways, making it all look horrid.

Yay, the tap.
Reply:i like my water filtered from the tap with my reverse osmosis filter. Though when I am out my favorite bottled water is the fiji one.
Reply:Fresh, clean well water is the best.

The problem is, our groundwater is so contaminated with surface pollutants (think about all the herbicide and pesticide we spray) that it is too risky to drink.

So I prefer SmartWater. Great stuff.

riding boots

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